Sell Your Business with the Southeast USA's leader in business brokering!
Bill Law was the very first Sunbelt Business Brokers franchisee, and began his business brokerage in 1992

We've been selling businesses in the Carolinas - longer than just about anyone!
For most owners, their business represents their largest asset and may account for over 80% of their net worth. When you are ready to sell your business, you're putting your life's work on the line, it is extremely important to hire a professional with a long track record of success.
An experienced broker can typically get a much higher price for a business than the owner can himself. It is often difficult to communicate the true earning power of a business.
Most owners do their best to minimize profits thereby keeping taxes low. Understanding and communicating the true adjusted earnings in a company is critical to the
selling process and valuation.
Our many years of experience have taught us..
....that confidentiality and integrity are essential ingredients to sell a business in the American Southland. Our professional team provides business owners turnkey services from valuation to the last step process of transfer of ownership.
We will first get to know as much as we can about your business. This includes recasting the business financials to help a buyer understand the true earning power of the business. We then develop a sound marketing strategy that includes preparing a detailed business presentation package.
Before a prospective buyer is approved ....and information is exchanged, your Southern Mergers representative will ask the buyer to execute a
Confidentiality Agreement, provide a financial statement and complete a questionnaire to fully understand their background and qualifications.
For those buyers who appear to be a fit and have continued interest, we arrange a confidential meeting that may be off site or after normal working hours. During this meeting, you and the buyer have an opportunity to ask one another questions.
If the buyer has continued interest, we work with you during all negotiations needed to sell your business, helping to ensure your bargaining power.
Many hurdles face you when you decide to sell a business in the Southeasst USA
An owner usually does not want anyone to know his business is for sale. He is concerned with maintaining absolute confidentiality and does not want employees, customers or competitors to be aware he is selling. He may need a professional valuation in order to understand his company's true worth, and advice concerning how to best structure a transaction to minimize tax consequences.
These concerns necessitate the services of a qualified and knowledgeable team of professionals! A team that knows how to sell a business in record time. The Southern Mergers staff has advised hundreds of business owners, assisting them to sell a Southern business - through each stage of the selling process. We carefully screen buyers and will not waste an owner's valuable time bringing in those who are either financially or competently unqualified. We will sell your business, and net you the best possible return.
If you want assistance in confidentially selling your business - Call us today!!
Southern Mergers & Acquisitions has a vast operating range covering the majority of the Southeastern United States
We are a premier member of the Sunbelt Business Broker Network!
.....The Sunbelt Network has sold more businesses than anyone else in the world!
Business owners decide to sell their businesses for many legitimate reasons. The buyer will surely ask you - why did you decide to sell your business?
Southern Mergers & Acquisitions can sell your business in the most discreet manner. Confidentiality is key to a successful transition of business ownership.
Announcing intention to sell prematurely, can drive off the key employees and clientele before the new owner has a chance to prove himself.
The experienced intermediaries at Southern Mergers can help you maximize these rewards.